The Haunting of Daedalus (2019)

Ink manipulation with Digital Interaction
79cm x 104cm x 3cm


According to Greek Mythology, Daedalus was a famous craftsmen and Father to Icarus. He built a Labyrinth for King Minos of Crete, where a Minotaur lived. The Minotaur was half man half bull. King Minos wanted to keep the Labyrinth a secret so he imprisoned Daedalus and Icarus in a tower.

Daedalus decided to escape and made two pairs of wings from feathers and wax. He taught Icarus how to fly and warned him that he must not fly too high, as the sun could melt his wings; he also warned him that if he flew too low his feathers could be soaked by the sea.

Together they flew out of the tower in an attempt to escape, however Icarus failed to listen to his Father and continued flying too high. As he flew higher Icarus's wings started to melt and he plunged into the sea, where he drowned.

The picture considers a narrative outside Greek Mythology: Icarus prepares to leave, but Daedalus is haunted by the Minotaur. Icarus also sees the apparition and comforts Daedalus. Father and Son attempt an escape despite the Omen.

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